Dianabol Steroids Canada

When there's a steroidal medicine with a reputation that precedes it, then it must be Dianabol.

The infamous pink pill which has the potential to transform you ‘huge’ in a matter of weeks. The ‘feel good’ steroid, the ‘easiest steroid’ to get huge.

We have heard a lot of stories about the big D.

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Our affiliation with Dianabol began in the early 1980s, when it was all over fitness gyms and sporting fields.

It came highly recommended from a guy who had a notorious reputation on the track. Also most people dwarfed under him. Boy, was he big.

But he also passed away too early, at the age of 37 because of heart attack.

Actually, many big guys in the 80s died premature deaths and this was what set alarm bells ringing in the medical community about steroid abuse.

Well, that’s for another day.

Today, we will discuss Dianabol, the best oral steroid of all times.

Chemical composition

Dianabol is the brand name for Methandrostenolone, a steroid drug produced from Testosterone. Buy Dianabol In Canada

Two alterations are made to the testosterone hormone. A double bond is added at the Carbon 1 and 2 positions and a methyl group is included at the 17th position.

It significantly reduces the androgenicity of the drug, increases the anabolic nature and enables it to survive, breakdown by the liver.

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Common Names

Methandrostenolone was marketed under the brand Dianabol by Ciba till 1984, when it finally pulled the plug on the compound because of developing pressure from the FDA.

But that’s the name which has been synonymous with the drug.

Some other nicknames that it is known by are D-Bomb, Vetanabol, Danabol and the Anabol.

Main Uses

As it's a testosterone-derived anabolic steroid, Dianabol has a very straightforward action in the body in a performance improvement setting.

It improves nitrogen retention, protein synthesis and gylcogenolysis (better use of carbohydrates that we consume).

But that would be to put it lightly, for the effects that someone achieves with Dianabol is unlike what you will get with any other steroid.

Mass gain:

If you've been a hard gainer, then Dianabol will move the scales rapidly. It is hands down, one of the most effective mass building anabolic steroids of all times. There are folks who trash the drug saying that all the bulk that you gain will be water and glycogen. That’s a massive load of bull. It’s right that Dianabol will cause water retention and you may drop some of that water when you go off the drug. But you can make some neat muscle gains while you are on cycle. And you could also retain these gains with a good PCT.


Dianabol competes Winstrol in improving strength. You will cruise through plateaus and set new personal bests. On the track, you will be faster and stronger than ever before. Also, these benefits occur fast. Almost stunning, if that’s the right way to put it. Most starter's on Dianabol are surprised at how fast they can rack plates to the rod.

Side Effects

Sadly, Dianabol is also one of the riskiest steroids which you can use for performance improvement.

It is bound to cause some serious side effects, some of them permanent and irreparable.

That’s if you use it carelessly though, which a lot of starter's are responsible for.

Estrogenic side-effects: Dianabol is moderate in terms of aromatase activity. However, if it aromatizes, it gets converted into methylestradiol, a stronger version of Estradiol. This can cause heavy water retention and also gynecomastia. What makes things worse is that the side effects can be as dramatic as the positive effects of using Dianabol. They can appear overnight. The water retention can cause high blood pressure, which is almost inevitable.

Androgenic side effects: The structural modification to the hormone lowers Dianabol’s androgenicity to a large extent. But it can still cause hair loss, acne and a bevy of other androgenic side effects if you are prone to them. In ladies, it can cause virilization.

Hepatotoxicity and cholesterol: Being a 17C-AA steroid, Dianabol is hepatotoxic and it can seriously deplete your levels of good cholesterol, subsequently increasing bad cholesterol. If you have a prior history of bad cholesterol or liver diseases, then you would be advised to avoid Dianabol completely.

Suppression: Dianabol leads to extreme testosterone suppression that edges on a complete shutdown. So, you might gain up to 20 pounds. very fast. But without testosterone, you will drop it a lot faster than you gained it.

Dosage and stacks

Make no mistake, Methandrostenolone is a really strong medicine and despite what you might read on messaging boards, you don’t probably need a high dose to get good results.

For men:

15-20 mg/day split into two or three doses for 8-12 weeks. That’s a very low dose mind you. But it provides good results. If you've run multiple cycles of Dianabol, then you can increase to 20-30mg/day.

Even 40mg/day. But that’s the higher limit for us. We’d personally never recommend anything over 50mg. Not unless you are Kai Greene.

You can also use Dianabol as a kick starter to your testosterone period for the first month.

For Females:

5mg/day for 8-12 weeks. Even at 10mg/day, there is a serious risk of virilization that can be prevented completely with low doses and PCT.

Buy Dianabol Steroids

Anadrol vs. Superdrol vs. Dianabol

All three of these steroids are powerful mass gainers which might make one believe that you can swap one for the other.

But they're like apples and oranges.

Dianabol is a testosterone derivative whereas Superdrol is derived from DHT.

Superdrol can help you gain more mass but at the danger of adverse effects which are more severe than Dianabol.

It's the same with Anadrol. It might make you bigger than Dianabol, however if you are susceptible to the sides then it will completely waste your energy levels and kill your appetite.

Having said that, if Dianabol gives you serious adverse effects, like Gyno or water retention, then you might consider out one of these two steroids.